We deserve self care

Hello! I'm Roisin - a North London yoga teacher and women’s health educator

Yoga teacher with students

A bit about me…
My teaching career begin in 2015, after completing my 200hr Yoga Teacher Training with Yoga London. My teaching style is rooted in Vinyasa Flow -  a steady, fluid movement practice during which we move our bodies in tune with our breath. We look to develop strength, stability, balance and flexibility, and the practice always concludes with rest. I offer group yoga classes for all levels.

I have studied extensively with some of the leading educators in Women’s Health, including Uma Dinsmore Tuli, Sally Parkes and Ana Davis. I offer private and group classes to women throughout their journey through menstruation, fertility, pregnancy, birth and post partum recovery.

My education and training includes Fertility Yoga, enabling me to support women through their menstrual and feminine cycles, and as they navigate their fertility journey - both natural and through assisted methods. Having my own personal experience of a long, turbulent path to my wonderful children, I understand first hand the immense support yoga brought to me throughout this challenging time, and feel passionate about sharing this with other women. I offer private 1:1 classes as well as regular group workshops.

I have further advanced my Pregnancy and antenatal education, completing my pre and post natal teacher training with Yoga London, studying Biomechanics for Birth with Molly O’Brien, and breathwork and movement practices with Uma Dinsmore Tuli. All of this enables me to support women through their pregnancy and prepare for birth. I offer weekly group classes for pregnant women, from their second trimester through to labour, as well as private 1:1 sessions and birth preparation workshops.

I have qualified as an Advanced Post Natal Wellness Practitioner with Burrell Education, and am currently studying specific techniques for healing after birth, something I am very passionate about. I offer several weekly group classes for mothers and babies, and also work with women on a 1:1 basis to aid their recovery journey after labour and birth.

I am a certified Breathing Coach and all of my classes and offerings are deeply rooted in breathing techniques. I offer specific breathwork classes on a 1:1 basis and also run workshops focused on breathing.

In short I am OBSESSED with women’s health and simply love working in this field.

Self care is often low down on our list of priorities. Yet without it, everything else becomes harder, more challenging. My role is to create a space for you to come to for some self care, to prioritise the needs of your body and mind. Through guided movement and breathing practices you will learn techniques that enable you to nurture, care and look after yourself.